Never before has the UAE witnessed such an unprecedented disruption across every aspect of its economic and social infrastructure as a result of COVID-19. At the same time, never before has the UAE come together in such unity and pride to combat a common cause. Under the wise leadership and guidance of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the UAE has taken some of the most advanced measures on a global scale when it comes to country-wide testing, prevention and preparedness. From drive-through testing centers to state of the art field hospitals, the UAE has made a commitment to its citizens and residents alike that everyone will have access to the best testing and care facilities possible.
We feel that a unique wrist-band with a powerful message can enhance the efforts the government’s to ensure that the population is abiding by the rules and guidelines that they have set out. A unique wristband with a powerful message can serve as a representation of the population standing united with the government in the fight against COVID-19. Our vision is to continue to encourage social distancing yet support economic growth through the distribution of the wristbands across all testing centers throughout Abu Dhabi.
This initiative has been created and developed by 81 Designs in partnership with SEHA as a tool that will create social awareness in Abu Dhabi.