Born in Paris in 1981, eL Seed’s intricate compositions call not only on the words and their meaning but also on their movement, which ultimately lures the viewer into a different state of mind.
Working primarily with subjects that seem contradictory, eL Seed’s art reflects the reality of mankind and the world we live in today. eL Seed installed his work on public spaces, galleries and institutions on every continent.
From the streets of Paris or New York, to the Favelas of Rio di Janeiro or the slums of Cape Town, his contemporary approach aims to bring people, cultures and generations together.
Interestingly, ‘eL Seed’ is a pseudo-name that was inspired at the age of 16 by ‘Le Cid’, a five-act tragicomedy written by one of the greatest seventeenth-century French dramatists Pierre Corneille in 1636.

eL Seed as a contemporary artist whose practice crosses the discipline of painting and sculpture. He uses wisdom of writers, poet, and philosophers from around the world to convey messages of peace and to underline the commonalities of human existence eL Seed uses his art as an echo of the stories of the communities that he meets around the world and aims to amplify their voices.
He finds his artwork being a way of building a link between peoples around the world. Whenever he works within a community, he spends a long time to learn and be inspired by them researching to find the best art installation to summarize the voice of the community he is working within and to underline his key principals of love, respect, and tolerance.